Tuesday, September 18, 2007

WOW...... where to begin....I will tell you all stuff about a conference we just returned from....BUT FIRST

Sovereign Grace Ministries has Made all there resources available for FREE!!! (in the last few weeks or so)....this one is ROCKING MY WORLD!!!! Life changing (I hope and Pray)....I listened to the 2nd 2 parts today, on the way to and from getting my boys....

here they are:



I know this would take some time.... there are 3 parts...but YOU MUST HEAR THEM!!!!!!! smiles.....I know 'caps' means I am yelling, but I am not yelling at you, I am just soooo excited about them ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank sooo much for the sermons. There is so much in them thats really hitting home right now....lots to think about and repent of! UGH!