Friday, September 07, 2007

This is a 'funny' story.....

Yesterday we went to the store. (the boys have money to spend, I usually don't take them anywmore)

Anyway, we got to walmart and I was waiting for the boys to get out and I had
locked the van and somehow I suddenly found that my thumb was SHUT in the door when Jake shut it! From the very tip to the very end of my thumb where it connects to my hand.... I was like--o man, the van is locked!!!! so Jake is immediately saying, I am sorry mom...I was (calmly, don't know where the calmness came from, 'cept God)....'s ok Jake, i just have to get my thumb out ;) :) smiles.... :) i had to get in my pocket, get the keys and unlock the van to get my thumb out....fortunately, it wasn't hurt that much at was stuck in a little area that seemed to have
some space.....sooo weird, really, but it was sore and had a small piece of skin
torn, but THAT'S IT!! I was so glad, cuz you know how stuff is sometimes numb
when you first hurt it??? :) And i really thot (while it was still in there) that it would be HURT. Andrew was very sympathetic too...i don't even know if travy noticed that much ;) 'cept he said, mom I was afraid you locked you keys in the van, than we would have to go (for help he meant ;)
I teased them afterwards when i knew it was fine, that it was broken....travy
said, you scared me mom ! ;) smiles-- i am so mean ;) smiles

Anyway, jake kept saying he was sorry :( poor guy ...and right before bed, he
said, mom, I am sorry I shut your thumb in the door ;) :) I kept telling him it
was my fault, cuz I had my thumb there (I seriously cannot remember why I would
have had my thumb there??? --so weird!)

So I think that God is trying to tell me something. I really was grateful that He kept me calm...cuz how embarrassing if i were screaming in the Walmart parking lot ;)....but mostly I am thankful that something CRAZY can happen and God is still in control :)....cuz I really felt like He was and not me.... (nice of you to read this far....silly, silly story)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm glad you're ok!

What sweet sons you have. :)