Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Prayer

"O Father of life, ... we praise you that you will one day take your poor crooked creatures and give them bodies like Christ's, perfect and full of light. Help us to grow faster--as fast as you can help us grow. Help us to keep our eyes on the opening of your hand, that we may know the manna when it comes. We rejoice that we are your making, though your handiwork is not very plain yet in the outer man. We bless you that we feel your hand making us, even if what we feel be pain. Always we hear the voice of the potter above the hum and grind of the wheel. Fashion the clay to your will. You have made us love you and hope in you, and in your love we will be brave and endure. All in good time, O Lord. Amen

This was a prayer I found in this book. One of the characters has physical difficulties and I love how he processes through them. This book is fiction, but it can be like reading a devotional. I have another quote that I loved coming soon.


mwh said...

Wow! Prayers like this are amazing!

"Always we hear the voice of the potter above the hum and grind of the wheel."

Have you read much MacDonald? I haven't ever (yet!).

lisatatj said...

This is my first George MacDonald book. I enjoy it, but it is taking me a long time to read it.

cgl said...

"We rejoice that we are your making, though your handiwork is not very plain yet in the outer man."

Maybe I am just reading this wrong but I don't get it...what is he saying?

lisatatj said...

With our human eyes, we can't discern what God is doing in us... I guess.

This version has been edited by Michael Phillips...perhaps this some of it was difficult to transfer to modern terms?