Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Newish things

I have been absent from my blog for very good reasons-- if you know me, you may know them. Mostly 1. School and 2. Catching up on laundry, dishes and house 'things'

We were all dreading (maybe not Tim) the start of school and I think I topped that list. But God....(that' s my favorite way to begin a sentence by-the-way) has had other plans for this year. At least I hope the whole year goes this smoothly.

Here's what happened. God gently spoke to my mind with ideas. These ideas still seem to be coming. I love that! One of the main ideas in my mind has been a schedule for the day. I still have some flexibility, but I try to stick to the schedule quite strictly. THAT is WEIRD for me! I feel like I have a real job! I have NEVER been a schedule person and I would always sleep as late as possible... I now get up a good hour or 2 earlier than I would have last year! And I am not really tired! Part of the schedule is before school exercise, which helps me with energy, lower stress, sense of well being, and hopefully weight loss ;)

anyway, long story short...This schedule seems easy to stick to and, I am enjoying school and having a good time with my boys...I am really glad they are here and NOT somewhere else... I thought I was ready to send my little kiddos away, but I am not! We'll see what God thinks about next year.

O By the way... we miss summer terribly...but I am glad for the cooler weather because it makes it easier to stay home and realize that summer is over ;)


kt said...

Glad to hear things are going smoothly so far. Thanks for the update.

Kudos to you for exercising every day! I've been telling myself for 4 years that I need to develop a regular exercise routine, especially since ND has so many nice facilities available & they're free for students, but alas....

mwh said...

Thanks for posting this. It's nice to hear what's going on in you life. Life schedule issues are always so challenging, no matter what way you go--or at least it's that way for me.

Make sure you work regular blogging into your new schedule though! :-)

Made in His Image said...

We had to start a more strict schedule this year also. Too much to get done to just start whenever. :-(