Monday, December 03, 2007

Why I don't love Mercy

Stay with me here..just trying to get your attention.... *smile*....I realized lately that I don't LOVE Mercy.... but as I thought through it, I realized there were reasons why. Mercy is making a comeback in my heart...and thinking and writing about it has helped me immensely! Here are some of the reasons :I think I have been expecting mercy. I think forget to realize what it costs. I think I decided that I am 'safe'. I think I made mercy about me.

As I think about it, I think if I remember that Jesus found me and that I still need daily mercy (as in forgiveness of my sin), than I would love and adore mercy. The truth is, I deserve to be punished for my utter disregard for who God is and my daily sins of anger, pride, etc, etc. So, I need MERCY! I believe the definition of mercy is: not being punished when I deserve to be punished....I need to let that sink in to my mind. Just a bit, or at least till I am mourning /sad. Because really, at the end of the day, I will still think it's about me! So as I let that sink in and see who I really am, what my heart really thinks..... my only hope is to look to Jesus and you know what I find?? Mercy, Love Kindness, forgiveness, etc.... And OH is it beautiful when I have seen where I came from and see his mercy and grace taking me somewhere :) Nearer to HIM!


mwh said...

The problem is I want everyone else to be merciful to me, but I'm utterly merciless to everyone else!

I know Tim has counseled me many times, when having to "confront" someone, to consider how I would want to be approached (i.e., mercifully).

It also made me think of Lamentations 3:

The Lord’s loyal kindness never ceases;
his compassions never end.
They are fresh every morning;
your faithfulness is abundant!
“My portion is the Lord,” I have said to myself,
so I will put my hope in him (vs. 22-24, NET).

lisatatj said...

I like those verses...thank you!

Anonymous said...

Mercy? I know all about rec. mercy, but nothing (well almost nothing) about giving it. Needless to say, that either makes me very quiet or very loud. JS

lisatatj said... do to know how to give cut that out! :)