Saturday, July 26, 2008

Worth Reading

I think I found this from Ben's blog, or maybe it was Chuck's but I couldn't find the specific post. Anyway, the one I read today was so good and worth a couple passing it along to you!

It made me think about the class I have done with people at the PCC. It talks about giving your child eye contact and how it communicates love. I am remembering what I want my moments to look like... Like Love, not like selfishness...why is the love option so hard? anyway...check out the blogs and if you have a chance...check out the PCC site...I haven't seen it for a while and it's pretty cool!

ps...If you have a LOT of time..."Bring the Rain" blog (as linked above) is a very good blog and there are a lot of good God stories in it!~


mwh said...

Thanks for reminding me about the PCC--it so easily slips off my radar--which is BAD!!!

Tomorrow is Tuesday. :-(

lisatatj said...

O, right! thanks for that reminder