Monday, September 18, 2006

Meditating on I Kings 1:5-31 and beyond...But this first part is my focus today. Here's what I see happening. Adonijah wants to be king, rightfully in those days he would have been next in line...But David according to my chronological bible (maybe this isn't right, not sure) Solomon has already been established as king. Adonijah hasn't been disciplined AT ALL by David, his father, he may think that he will get away with this. He hasn't heard even a 'what are you doing' from his dad. David is very near death and is oblivious to all that his son is doing now. David has several of his 'people' that have joined Adonijah's side... Is all lost for Solomon to be the next king?


Because God will and does accomplish his purposes...Through Nathan the prophet and Bathsheba, who go to David. Even if Adonijah thinks he has it made here.

ok....So even though Adonijah is asserting himself.... God is in control...God's plans are to have Solomon as king. Who's plans happen?----

God's of course.... soooo I place myself in Adonijah's place here for a second. I want to do 'such and such' sin...... I do it. Will God's plans be ruined?? Of course not, so is it ok if I do that sin?God's plans will still stand. Well, to all others, everything is fine. But do I want to be that kind of person, Do I want my own way? (a lot of times, yes) Basically going against God's plans for my own purposes, and taking others with me?? (sometimes this is what I want) Well, NO!!! It all sounds good in the beginning (from my human perspective) to be getting what I want, but at what cost??!!

So I guess it comes to a choice. God being sovereign in all of it of course. (This is what God has been speaking to my heart this weekend now that I am thinking about it) As I am interacting with people through the day, I encounter choices over and over. These are my normal /everyday choices that can be about me/or about others. I don't have the chance to make myself -say- President of the USA or something. My wrong choices involve asserting myself over God in saying it is ok if I sin, or get angry, or try to be more important than God. Choosing my way over God's way....... Someone crosses my will and I get angry. Someone doesn't do what they are told and I am angry. Plans change and I have to adjust. OK> choice.... Get angry, or say, 'it's not worth it' and let it go.... If I can let it go, or choose God's way-- I have avoided hurt, more anger and frustration. If I can't let it go or choose my own way, than there is usually conflict and sometimes it takes much time and effort to resolve that and if I have already chosen to be ugly about it, than I am not in the right frame of mind to resolve it. Plus, God is not going to be pleased with my wrong heart and I have put a wall up, shown myself more important than God, so to speak, in my relationship to God. I don't know that Adonijah's had a relationship with God, but the principle is the same. Bottom line--disobedience and sin has consequences AND God's purposes will be accomplished. So I need to ask God to get my heart on board with his will, purposes, etc, or live in misery and sin :)...... That choice seems pretty easy. But really it isn't easy....I absolutely cannot do it!! I need God to align my heart with His purposes, than he will enable me to make that right choice. This is getting confusing. But it is ALL about how my heart is before God--or what God is doing in my heart. All about God really.... I am an observer with responsibilities ;) hee hee

But I wonder if Adonijah ends up with any consequences...... Well that's coming up for me to find out I guess.

this is so confusing...But that seems to happen as I go through a passage....I think I will land somewhere, sometime :)

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