Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Update on the Update

Here is an article that the Niles Daily Star put out about the Lifewalk! I need to say that my numbers may have been a bit high...the article says over 20,000... ooops...


Amanda said...

It's still great!

mwh said...

Do you know how much they've raised in past years? Do you know what percentage of the annual budget this will be able to cover!

Praise the LORD for His generous outpouring.

lisatatj said...

sorry mwh... I do not know the totals from previous years or the budget at the Center...I could give you a guess, but I have already had to correct myself... so I will just say, I don't know...sorry!

Anonymous said...

Lisa...I'll bet you didn't know I read your blog! To answer the question, what we raised is about what has been raised in years past, though there were a couple $25,000 years that we'd like to replicate again! Last year was only $18,000 so this was a great improvement. Also, our annual budget hovers around $100K. Thanks for your dedication!

lisatatj said...


no, I didn't know you read my blog...I better be nice ;)