Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I have been striving for a holiday spirit thru these holidays and God has been helping me so much!! There have been several helpful things involved. My husband's guidance, Pastor Brian's Sunday message and God softly reminding me something. I was thinking about a Mary/Martha heart issue.... I guess Wes from church prayed that on sunday.... anyway, I always think of the Mary/Martha issue as a physical, work issue or lack of it. Than the Holy Spirit made me realize that it is really a heart attitude..... as i work thru things, be it chaos of kids, cooking, preparing, etc.... My heart needs to reflect the attitude of sitting before God. There are things that need to be done, there are people to go see, it gets crazy, but in my heart, that is where the peace, love and Mary heart need to be.... that really made a difference to me this Christmastime. Maybe it seems normal and basic, but that makes my relationship with God all the more personal this Christmas. Maybe that was His gift to me :)

1 comment:

MichPhil said...

That was some good stuff. Thanks for sharing. I find myself getting so lazy somedays (mentally, physically and spiritually). One day I am reading and seeing Him in a whole new way and the next I am totally blowing my "SAVIOR" off. It really is sad. I love reading your stuff, because it's real. Thanks friend. Mich