Friday, September 15, 2006

OK, this is totally silly, but than you will be getting to know me better if I let you in on the silliness...That's just how my mind works ;)

Yesterday.... I took my boys to see Cars...The movie, and as I was sitting there.... (love this movie by the way...Highly recommend and so good if you can see it at the movies) I was thinking about what we have been talking about in our small group --Jesus being in you, living inside you as a believer. I was seeing these cars interacting with each other and thinking that the cars in the town are influencing this outsider/race car for good...They are rubbing off on him :)

....So not only sharing the gospel, but as we just live out life as a believer/follower of Jesus... We are (as we abide in HIM) making a difference and 'rubbing off' on others... So even if we don't get a chance to present the gospel...God is still doing his work through us.

Makes me see to trust him more, not depend on my 'doings', but trust what He is doing ;) and REST in that. You understand I am not saying I don't have a responsibility for obedience, etc....But it's all about God and what He is doing...In some ways I can be a spectator :) watch and learn ;)

more of the watching that I am doing....

today as I sat still before God... I was watching out the window....My first thought was Sunshine!!! Than I sat and watched the dew in the grass sparkling....Declaring God's glory!!! Tiny little sparkling drops of water, but how beautiful and if I didn't STOP and LOOK>>>> I would have missed it....Declaring God's glory...I would have MISSED IT....kinda wish I could just stay there...But, well you know....Can't sit on the couch all day ; )

k, I better stop...

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