Thursday, May 08, 2008

I like to laugh!

I was browsing around today and found another funny sketch

I just love to laugh, love comedians. It brings joy ;) And that's what I am made for!

try this one it funny?? or make you cry? or laugh and cry


cgl said...

I just bought Brian Regan's new DVD (I had to bring my Amazon order up to $25 =) ). Anyway, its hillarious. We should bring it over sometime

lisatatj said...

Ya, totally... I ordered Tim Hawkins the other day too...we can have a comedy fest!!!! ;)

mwh said...

There always seems to be such a shortage of laughter in life....

We should do Hawkins for a small group fun night.

lisatatj said...

Ya, small group fun nite!!! yup, yup!!!!