Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Say it Brother

Tim's post:
Hey loved this post, "American Evangelicalism, Light Beer, and Reformed Theology". Don't know if I agree with everything this guy says (or more how he says it) sure like the post. later


mwh said...

What's the link?

lisatatj said...

there you go...edited it for my hubby ;)

mwh said...

So what parts do you agree with? :-)

Tim said...

most of it, especially the part about reformed groups being like the micro brews of the world. Ya gotta love that Michael.

mwh said...

Personally I didn't really like the article.

The analogy of commercial beers and microbrews with the true vs. watered-down Gospel was fine enough: humorous and a little creative. I could enjoy that part.

But the name calling and the exclusive claim that the Reform tradition represents "authentic" Christianity is distasteful to me. This attitude is not unique to Calvinism, but is nevertheless common; take for example, Piper's recent comments that Arminians should be "excommunicated" (his word, not mine) for not holding to a "more fully Biblical view of grace."

I suspect that if I wrote a blog post talking about how heartless and arrogant the Reformed camp is, and how they don't actually show Christ-like love for people; but that true religion, pure and undefiled, was represented by "Hull-ism"--I suspect that you would object as well. :-)

I can see the humor and validity to his contrast between true and watered-down religion--as illustrated well by the micro-brews--but otherwise I didn't care for it. I guess if he wants to say that Arminius, and Dispensationalus, etc... are good micro-brews too, then I could agree with him. :-)

Then again, you might critique me, and saw that most of my blog posts also are self-serving and indicate that I think I have the corner on the market of truth. Turnabout's fair play. :-)

mwh said...

P.S.: I know it's not your attitude personally--I just didn't like the support of his!