Friday, February 16, 2007

I couldn't get on here the last couple times i tried....

Here is my current obsession....

Get your hands on ANY of Randy Alcorn's things that talk about Heaven. Here are the ones I have encountered that are absolutely LIFE CHANGING!!!!!

Safely Home

Here's an excerpt from Heaven " Think of friends and family members who loved Jesus and are with Him now. Picture them with you, walking together in this place. All of you have powerful bodies, stronger than those of an Olympic decathlete. You are laughing, playing, talking, and reminiscing. You reach up to a tree to pick an apple or orange. You take a bite. It's so sweet that it's startling. You've never tasted anything so good. Now you see someone coming toward you. It's Jesus with a big smile on his face. You fall to your knees in worship. He pulls you up and embraces you.

At last, you're with the person you were made for, in the place you were made to be. Everywhere you go there will be new people and place to enjoy, new things to discover. What's that you smell? A feast. A party's ahead. And you're invited. There's exploration and work to be done--and you can't wait to get started."

1 comment:

mwh said...

This is really good! Thanks for sharing it.