Wednesday, October 21, 2009

China trip

Here are some pictures from our trip to China. Caroline and Lane Gordon went with us, and Caroline's blog has a synopsis of the trip see it below.
Indescribable trip-Tiring and hot-Beautiful and Breathtaking-Rewarding and Funny!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I can't smile without you

I found this for the boys. I heard this song a while ago and I enjoy 'singing' it to the boys. I really don't think they enjoy it. :)...Sometimes they tolerate it, but sometimes I can use it to make them leave the room :D

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jake is 10

Yesterday Jake turned 10!!!!

I've been tagged

Tagged me

Here are the rules:

1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3) Explain the picture.
4) Tag 4 people to do the same.
No cheating (cropping, editing, etc.) Have fun!!

I had to cheat because we cleaned out all our pic folders and we only have this is the 3rd folder 4th picture...Andrew took this of and icicle that had fallen off our roof and evidentally "almost killed him" ;)

I tag: Just who ever wants to participate ;)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tim's project

This is what I have been wanting for a while now... I don't like this part, but am willing to be patient :)

Ceramic tiling coming soon...hopefully I can show you when it's done

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Look what I found!!!

This and more importantly this are a couple of things I found that I am SOOOOOO (that extended "so", does not adequately describe my emotions :) excited about!

I found these while browsing at Barnes and Noble over the Holidays. I am recommitting to my pursuit of topics of Heaven, and as many more of CS Lewis' things as I can find. I was pumped about the CS Lewis book because I didn't realize there was a book arranged with his thoughts and meditations on Heaven, YIPEE!!!! I haven't read much of it, yet. I am totally savoring it and making it last!

The book titled "Desire" was a shocker to me, because I got it just being interested in the writing style and the way he was flushing out the topic. All of the sudden he started talking about Heaven and the Kingdom of God! So I am totally back into my Obsessions... at least these particular "obsessions" are healthy ones...I tend to gravitate toward not so healthy ones!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It happened over Christmas....

...I was just finishing up 'getting ready' ......this is what I call it, even though it just consists of applying makeup and styling my hair...I really wasn't getting ready for anything...sometimes my boys ask, "where are you going?"..." No where" I reply, "I am just 'getting ready'

....ANYWAY, as I was 'getting ready' I started thinking about older woman and who and why they are Beautiful.... I realized that as people get older, it's not that they are so Gorgeous, but it's about how they are, and who they are. I am seeing signs of aging in me and feeling that I am just NOT young anymore. I don't really care, but there is that weird desire to be young and/or beautiful.

I was struck by those verses that Paul uses about braiding your hair and wearing jewelry. ( I couldn't find them real quick) I think God's spirit was telling me. "It's not that I don't want you to be beautiful, it's just that there isn't time to worry about the outward beauty". I realized and wondered if it is more of an urging, not a command or legalistic rule.... I wonder if the heart of his intentions are that it is really hard to be beautiful on the inside. It takes lots of work by the Holy Spirit and me. I need to spend so much more time on the inside than on the outside.

Do I do this, NO! Do I want to and long to and see the need! YES! For me I want it to start here. I ask that God would allow me to have my spiritual ears open and listening for the Holy Spirit and that I would be sensitive to be seeking Jesus. I am VERY thankful for the prodding in this direction!

Blog World

I am not as addicted to the blog world, as I once was (facebook, is my new 'obsession'), but it is amazing to me how many useful (wait, did I actually type "useful"... I am NOT sure that is what I mean...maybe relational, entertaining, or silly with an occasional "useful") things I can find in the Blog-o-sphere. By following someone's blog, I can become addicted to many other people's blogs. I am interested in there interests and they direct me to someone else's blog with that same interest, than I am hooked. Thus my need to consistently de-clutter my blog list :)

Anyway, I am not sure I am going to take this advice, but since I have been knitting several may be a good idea...anyway, it's silly in a girly way. I was directed here by this blog.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Helpful advice from a "Friend"

This is from one of the blogs I follow. It has been so helpful to me in the past couple days and I cannot get it out of my head. So I want to share it with you! The basic idea of the blog is to do the worst thing on my 'to do' list first. While that seems like a simple idea, I NEVER do that, I always start by checking my email or something fun like that... all the while (and I mean all day) dreading that worst thing. How simple and smart to just get that thing done first! Especially, because I end up dreading it so much, I often never get it done!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Just for fun

This is purely for fun! And isn't that appropriate as many of us are getting back into our schedules and jobs--a little levity in life in the middle of routine.

It is good to get back into the routine of schooling and exercise, etc. It's just that for some reason vacation seems to fun and so FAST! I have grown to thrive more and more in a routine, I just rebel against it during vacation and time off. I guess I need both. A break and a routine. Laughter and seriousness. Fun and Work. I wonder if Heaven is a mix of both as well??