...I was just finishing up 'getting ready' ......this is what I call it, even though it just consists of applying makeup and styling my hair...I really wasn't getting ready for anything...sometimes my boys ask, "where are you going?"..." No where" I reply, "I am just 'getting ready'
....ANYWAY, as I was 'getting ready' I started thinking about older woman and who and why they are Beautiful.... I realized that as people get older, it's not that they are so Gorgeous, but it's about how they are, and who they are. I am seeing signs of aging in me and feeling that I am just NOT young anymore. I don't really care, but there is that weird desire to be young and/or beautiful.
I was struck by those verses that Paul uses about braiding your hair and wearing jewelry. ( I couldn't find them real quick) I think God's spirit was telling me. "It's not that I don't want you to be beautiful, it's just that
there isn't time to worry about the
outward beauty". I realized and wondered if it is more of an urging, not a command or legalistic rule.... I wonder if the heart of his intentions are that it is really hard to be beautiful on the inside. It takes lots of work by the Holy Spirit and me. I need to spend so much more time on the inside than on the outside.
Do I do this, NO! Do I want to and long to and see the need! YES! For me I want it to start here. I ask that God would allow me to have my spiritual ears open and listening for the Holy Spirit and that I would be sensitive to be seeking Jesus. I am VERY thankful for the prodding in this direction!